Music Room Remodeling Tips
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Often, musicians require some kind of sanctuary in order to be at their most productive. Whether you are a serious music lover or a professional, a music room could be the perfect outlet for your hobby. A professional contractor might be able to offer guidance on turning your spare room into a recording studio. But there are many ways to utilize extra space for the love of music, making a creative haven in the process.
Planning the music room
A unified, eye-pleasing look will go a long way in making your music room a place in which you will love to linger for long periods of time. If you are having trouble getting started, your personal instrument would probably make a great focal point to the room. Instruments are, by themselves, wonderful works of craftsmanship. A display rack of your instruments also allows for safe and easy storage. Who knows, showcasing your instrument might even encourage you to practice more.
Planning a home recording studio
Unless you happen to live alone, the people with whom you share your space might appreciate some insulation from the sounds you will create. If you are the self-conscious type, you might appreciate it too. There are a wide variety of methods to dampen sound. You can start with carpeting your room. However, this will only go so far. If you plan on constructing a full-blown recording studio, you will have to go to greater lengths to soundproof your space. This part can get tricky, and a contractor can help you decide the best way to implement the insulation.
Effective soundproofing requires mass and decoupling. Some materials might seem like they would provide insulation from sound, but what really matters is density. Sound will travel quickly through holes in material. Decoupling is the best answer to the problem of soundproofing. Decoupling essentially means putting two smaller walls in the place of one. Rather than one thick wall, two walls of half its size are installed, with a space in between. With this strategy, the sound waves must pass through four surfaces instead of two.
The next step is the door, where most of the sound leakage will occur. If you are really ambitious, you can plan on having a foyer with an outer door. Likely, spatial restrictions will not allow for that. In this case, you just need an incredibly thick door, such as a fire door. For DIYers, it is possible to build an effective door out of chipboard. It is important to add battens around the doorframe in order to seal it more completely. A neoprene rubber strip will work well for this.
Hiring a Professional Contractor
A contractor can advise you on how to ventilate your room once it is totally soundproofed. Without proper ventilation, you will not want to spend a prolonged period in your music room, regardless of how well designed it is. The air will simply be too stuffy. Although a music room or recording studio is a project you might be capable of handling on your own, a contractor will help you arrange all of the intricate details that will make your space both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
To schedule a free on-site assessment and estimate from a local remodeling professional, contact Signature Contractors today!