Energy Savers & Green Building
Energy Efficient Windows: What to Look For
From U-Factor to R-Value, SignatureContractors breaks down the important components of successful 21st century windows.
Home Heating Systems: 5 Popular Options
To gear up for the cold season, you might want to update your home heating system to guarantee the most effective and efficient performance long term.
Make Your Fireplace More Efficient: 5 Optimization Tips
Save money, stay warm, and enjoy the winter months by making these simple adjustments to your existing fireplace.
Window Repair vs Window Replacement
Before going ahead with a major window project for your home, it's important to assess whether a full replacement or potentially more affordable repair is best for your long term goals.
At Home Composting Guide
If you're already recycling, at-home composting might be the next environmentally friendly activity to add to your weekly regimen. Read on to learn more.
Building a Sphere House
They may look a tad strange at first, but spherical pod-like houses could be the eco-smart way of the future.
Choosing an Air Conditioning System
We all know that an air conditioning unit can work wonders on improving your summertime fun. But which type of air conditioning system is best for you and your home?
Creating a Green Kitchen
Five steps toward getting your kitchen working at optimal efficiency while helping the environment at the same time.
Energy Efficient Window Frames: What to Look For
Along with the windows themselves, window frames can have a huge impact on how your home maintains a desired temperature.
5 Tips for a Greener Thanksgiving
Eco-friendly choices on Turkey Day can also prove beneficial to your economics.
The Future of Green Building
Eco-friendly advancements in home construction and remodeling figure to reach new heights in the decade ahead.
Green Gutters
Green building trends are expanding into every portion of home remodeling, including those all important gutters and downspouts.
Geothermal Heat Pumps
In the race to create a greener, more energy efficient home, geothermal heat pumps have become popular alternatives to traditional home heating systems.
Green Home Remodeling Projects for 2009
In 2009, Green building and remodeling projects are expected to become an even more vital aspect of our economic recovery and environmental preservation.
Home Insulation: The Key to Comfort
Installing quality home insulation starts with finding a professional who can make sure your home's unique needs will be met year round.
Installing a Central Air Conditioning System
Fans and window units are okay, but when summer really digs its heels in, central air can be a true life saver.
Net Zero Energy Homes
Some home owners are taking energy conservation to a whole new level, turning their houses into perfect net-zero energy abodes.
Organic Mechanics: Helping You Go Green
Energy efficiency experts like those at The Organic Mechanic can help you transition to a greener life by making the right home improvement choices.
Radiant Underfloor Heating Systems
A closer look at the pros and cons of radiant underfloor heating, and its hydronic, electric, and forced air varieties.
Radiator Art: Staying Warm in Style
Usually an eyesore, home radiators are getting a much needed makeover from some clever artists.
Solar Panel Installation & Info
The future of home improvement and the energy industry lies in green building projects, and few offer more potential than solar panels.
Straw Houses Lead New Green Building Trend
Big Bad Wolf jokes aside, "Straw Houses" are one of the popular new trends in smart, effective green building.
10 Energy Efficient Home Lighting Options
Signature Contractors sorts through the various eco-friendly lighting options currently on the market.
Tips for an Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool or Hot Tub
Signature Contractors offers an introductory guide to saving money and being environmentally smart with your new pool or hot tub.
Winterize Your Doors
Unsealed doors can slowly turn your home into an icebox in the winter, but there are plenty of options available to winterize your doors at a minimal cost.
Winterizing Your Home the Green Way
Hunkering down for the freezing winter months need not mean watching your energy bills skyrocket. Here are some tips on being green when its white outside.
Wood Fireplaces vs Gas Fireplaces: 5 Factors to Consider
It's the age old debate for fireplace aficionados: wood or gas? We help break down the pros and cons of each type of fireplace.